Its all yoga, all the time for me! Throughout my day - doing bodywork, teaching yoga, running a business, working in the garden, relaxing with friends and puppies in this beautiful state of New Mexico - my life is infused with yoga. I love the deeper awareness of my body, mind, soul that it brings me; love the deeper connection it enables me to experience with the world around it; and REALLY love that I am able to share this beauty with others.

I know its not always possible to connect with other yogis, that we all need extra inspiration in our own practices, and sometimes even a little kick in the butt to get into that yoga zone. I hope this blog will help you with that (and me, too!) as I share pieces of my classes, practices and inspiration with you.

Monday, November 5, 2012

Pranayama and Meditation!

Change your energy and deepen your awareness with these pranayama (breathing) and meditation practices from our Hawaii Yoga and Meditation Retreat last month. For those of you that were there, I hope this will help ground your practice once again.  For those of you that missed it, I hope this will give you a jumping off point to expand your practice!  As always, let me know if you have any questions... play, enjoy!

Breathing Practices...
Nadi Shodhana
Anuloma Viloma
Anuloma Ujayii
Om-sounding breath

Om - neverending
Pure Sound - hearing without dialogue
Smell - smelling without dialogue
Sight - seeing without dialogue
Touch (like mala beads or hands resting on the knees)
Conscious Eating (total awareness of taste, sight, sound, smell, sensation)
Object (Samyama)
Pure Awareness - just be with yourself
Ujayii (meditating on the sound)
Movement Meditation (like Sun Breath)

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