Its all yoga, all the time for me! Throughout my day - doing bodywork, teaching yoga, running a business, working in the garden, relaxing with friends and puppies in this beautiful state of New Mexico - my life is infused with yoga. I love the deeper awareness of my body, mind, soul that it brings me; love the deeper connection it enables me to experience with the world around it; and REALLY love that I am able to share this beauty with others.

I know its not always possible to connect with other yogis, that we all need extra inspiration in our own practices, and sometimes even a little kick in the butt to get into that yoga zone. I hope this blog will help you with that (and me, too!) as I share pieces of my classes, practices and inspiration with you.

Monday, November 11, 2013

Ambition in yoga? Sure, just don't let your ego lead :-)

Here's an ambitious sequence to spend some time with, opening your shoulders and strengthening that all important pelvic floor.  Remember when you are ambitious in your practice to take it slow and easy.  Pushing into a pose never got anyone anything but hurt - body and self-esteem (sheepish after practice? Sure, that happens... but, thanks to a the learning experience it is, it doesn't happen much!) Practice well and safely, and enjoy yourself!

Arms overhead side stretches
6 movements of the spine
Fire hydrant
Sun Salutations with Inchworms
Arm nerve stretches (gun fingers stretching to sides, middle finger stretching overhead, twist reaching ring and pinky fingers across body)
Seated Cat/Dog with arms forward and back
Lunge <--> Parvotanasana
Side Angle <--> Triangle, then hold and bind Triangle
Uttanasana <--> Utkatasana
Alternate Nostril Kapalabhati
Maha Mudra --> Paschimottanasana --> Seated Navasana --> Bridge (then reverse and repeat)
Bound Angle
Bound Angle with Twist
Seated Wide Angle Forward Fold Side Bend
Seated Wide Angle Forward Fold Folding over 1 leg
Seated Wide Angle Forward Fold with Twist
Bound Angle with Feet Apart
Bound Angle with Feet Apart Twist opening chest toward sky
Marichiasana Prep - forward fold
Seated Boat with legs in Bound Angle, shoulders drop and hands hold heels
Seated Boat, holding toes, legs together <--> legs wide
Bound Angle
Synchronized Swimmer Twists (on back, arms wide, bring knees right, then straighten top leg and let is lead the bottom leg all the way to the left side.  When you reach the left, bend the bottom knee, straighten the top leg and repeat)
Supported Fish

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