Its all yoga, all the time for me! Throughout my day - doing bodywork, teaching yoga, running a business, working in the garden, relaxing with friends and puppies in this beautiful state of New Mexico - my life is infused with yoga. I love the deeper awareness of my body, mind, soul that it brings me; love the deeper connection it enables me to experience with the world around it; and REALLY love that I am able to share this beauty with others.

I know its not always possible to connect with other yogis, that we all need extra inspiration in our own practices, and sometimes even a little kick in the butt to get into that yoga zone. I hope this blog will help you with that (and me, too!) as I share pieces of my classes, practices and inspiration with you.

Wednesday, November 5, 2014

Practice at home with Marisa just took on new meaning: Halli and I are releasing a cd - come celebrate with us (with yoga, of course!)

I am VERY excited to announce the imminent release of my first practice album with Halli Bourne.  Based on the retreat we lead each January - see the link to the right for more information - this is a supremely relaxing practice meant to encourage openness in body and mind; an expansion of worldview to help one find greater ease and optimism in life.  We are so very proud of it and hope you will enjoy it as much as we do!

It will be available as a download or a physical cd from, as well as at Yoga del Sol and other local venues.  To celebrate, we will be holding a free practice session based on the cd led by both myself and Halli at Yoga del Sol Studio on Saturday, November 15 from 4-6pm.  We hope you will join us!


  1. What an incredible experience this has been, Marisa, to collaborate with you on this project! Kudos to you for all the hard work you put in to make this happen, in addition to your genius! :0)

    1. You, too, Halli! I love working with you - always something new to learn, always something new to laugh about!
