Its all yoga, all the time for me! Throughout my day - doing bodywork, teaching yoga, running a business, working in the garden, relaxing with friends and puppies in this beautiful state of New Mexico - my life is infused with yoga. I love the deeper awareness of my body, mind, soul that it brings me; love the deeper connection it enables me to experience with the world around it; and REALLY love that I am able to share this beauty with others.

I know its not always possible to connect with other yogis, that we all need extra inspiration in our own practices, and sometimes even a little kick in the butt to get into that yoga zone. I hope this blog will help you with that (and me, too!) as I share pieces of my classes, practices and inspiration with you.

Wednesday, June 17, 2015

Three forgotten yoga poses for the shoulders

Let's face it, life puts us in some awkward positions.  Many of them compromise our shoulders.  Whether we are holding tight to keep it all together psychologically or we are gripping a steering wheel, our shoulders can usually use some help.  So, we have an abundance of postures we do in yoga classes to try to bring relief.  Here are three poses that I find are super-effective but rarely done.  Try 'em out.  Work 'em into your routine.  Love your body.  Love your being!

1.  Sit or stand with your fingers interlaced behind your head.  
As you inhale, take your elbows back and lift your face toward the sky, head supported by your hands.  
As you exhale, take your chin toward your chest and bring your elbows forward toward each other.  
Repeat at least six times.
Be watchful of rising shoulders - this indicates disfunction in the Trapezius and through practice of this pose you can begin to correct it.

2.  Balancing mountain variation...
Stand in Mountain Pose, arms by your sides.
As you inhale, lift your heels (balancing!) while simultaneously lifting one arm into cactus arm and while turning your head to look away from that arm.
As you exhale, release back to where you started.
Repeat on the other side
Do at least six times on each side.
Don't go for a stretch in the neck or shoulder, this posture is about developing better communication between the neck and shoulders.

3. Warrior 2 variation...
Standing in Warrior 2, extend through your fingertips and s l o w l y rotate the back arm, moving from the shoulder, til the palm faces upward (more or less)  
Take at least 6 breaths to rotate the arm, then spend at least 6 breaths with the palm turned upward.
Repeat on the other side.

Stop and enjoy the sweet spots along the way, as you release connective tissues from one another and begin to stretch the lines of the nerves.

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