Its all yoga, all the time for me! Throughout my day - doing bodywork, teaching yoga, running a business, working in the garden, relaxing with friends and puppies in this beautiful state of New Mexico - my life is infused with yoga. I love the deeper awareness of my body, mind, soul that it brings me; love the deeper connection it enables me to experience with the world around it; and REALLY love that I am able to share this beauty with others.

I know its not always possible to connect with other yogis, that we all need extra inspiration in our own practices, and sometimes even a little kick in the butt to get into that yoga zone. I hope this blog will help you with that (and me, too!) as I share pieces of my classes, practices and inspiration with you.

Friday, December 7, 2012

What is Thai Yoga Massage?

This post is a little bit of an ad for one of my favorite things to give, receive and share - Thai Yoga Massage - I get alot of questions as to exactly what it is, so I thought I better give you an idea...

Thai Yoga Massage is the most delicious combination of yoga and massage!  Its often called "the lazy man's yoga" because the receiver is guided into a variety of yoga positions while remaining completely passive.  Once in position, the practitioner works to release muscles and open joints while the muscles and connective tissues are in gentle traction.  Great for increasing range of motion, general relaxation and helping with aches and pains, its also a really amazing way to gain insight into your yoga practice.

As your therapist moves your passive body, you begin to gain a greater understanding of new ways to position your body for more ease in your poses, how to use your breath more effectively, and especially, how much you tend to get in your own way by working too hard and over-engaging your muscles and your mind.

If you are local, know that you can book a session here at Yoga del Sol with Jordan Milne.  Jordan learned Thai Massage a while ago and is practicing to get her chops back, so she operates on a donation-only basis.  Call or email for your appt.

If you are local and would like to learn not just how to recieve Thai Yoga Massage but how to give it as well, I will be teaching Thai at NMT this spring and you can learn how to give a great massage to friends and family, as well as get alot of great bodywork for yourself ;-).  Sign up through Banweb or the Registrar's Office.

For those of you interested in getting certified, we will be hosting on of my teachers, Sukha Wong from the Lotus Palm School in Montreal this August for Level 1 - the first step in Basic Certification.  Sukha is a master of Thai Massage and a master of weaving the esoteric and the practical into one comprehensive class.

If you are not local, google Thai Yoga Massage Practitioners in your area, chances are there is someone great near you!

Whew - so many possibilities!  I hope you will take advantage of whatever opportunities to relax come your way!

Wednesday, November 28, 2012

Yoga for a healthy belly!

It's that time of year when indulgence sometimes gets the best of us.  Here's a practice to help your belly feel and function at its best this holiday season...

The Blissful Belly Home Practice

Seated Breathing – Inhale into the rib cage then the belly. Draw the belly in to create your Exhale.
Baddha Konasana Backbend – Feet together, knees apart, fingers behind. Inhale chest open and up. Exhale to relax.
Side Stretch – One hand to floor for support, other arm up, stretch side open with breath.
Pandangusthasana var. - Legs up, squeezing thighs, lift shoulders up and use hands to hold head up. On Exhale, take pubic bone and rib cage toward each other. On Inhale release.
Elbows toward knee - Press soles on the floor, both elbows to a knee on exhale. On inhale return to center.
Supta Mandukasana var. - Legs in frog (feet lifted, knees apart, right angles at ankles, knees and hips), lift shoulders and use hands to lift head. On exhale, draw pubic bone toward rib cage.
Vajarasana – on knees, arms up. On exhale fold forward with spine long, hands palms up to low back. On inhale, lead up with your heart.
Down Dog → Up Dog – Exhaling, lift tail up toward sky, lengthening spine (down dog). Inhaling, reach heels back and take chest forward between your arms, shoulders back. Avoid sagging, keep legs and belly engaging in updog.
Parvritti Utkatasana - Weight in heels bend knees deeply as if sitting down. Tail points to floor, legs engaged. Maintain alignment with knees over feet, hips square, weight even in feet. Twist to one side, taking hands or elbow to opp knee.
Cobra – Lie on belly, lengthen legs and press pelvis down. Inhale chest forward and up, stretching sternum long.
Malasana – Squat on balls of feet, lengthen spine.
Ardha Matsyendrasana – sitting, bend one knee and hold that knee with opposite arm. Twist toward knee. Breathe belly and thigh toward each other, spine long.
Puvana Muktasana – lie on back and draw one knee in toward chest, breathe. Move to other side. Then both legs at once.
Jathara Parvritti – Knees toward chest, arms wide. Twist to side and breathe there with shoulder blades on the floor.
Bridge – Soles on the floor, arms by your sides. Exhale the bottom and back up. Sternum and tail reach away from each other.
Savasana – Rest :-) 

Tuesday, November 13, 2012

My favorite Moon Salutation - core stabilizer, hip flexor opener, encourages digestive health :-)

So, it appears this is the year of the moon for me. We truly have had some spectacular moon rises (big orange half moon just the other night :-) But maybe its more about the opening of moon salutations, getting into those nooks and crannies and forgotten (avoided?) parts of the body to open, strengthen and stabilize. 

This moon salutation is a variation on my absolute FAVORITE one. I first found it in a little book called "Morning Yoga, Evening Yoga" can't remember the author but its a lovely little book. We've been playing with it in my Slow Flow class this semester and I've added some teaks lately. 

This is heavy on the kneework, so plan ahead with appropriate props and remember to back off where you need it. I have found it especially helpful with my bad knee (2 surgeries many years ago) but it demands respect and mindfulness.

I hope you enjoy it as much as I do!

Monday, November 5, 2012

Pranayama and Meditation!

Change your energy and deepen your awareness with these pranayama (breathing) and meditation practices from our Hawaii Yoga and Meditation Retreat last month. For those of you that were there, I hope this will help ground your practice once again.  For those of you that missed it, I hope this will give you a jumping off point to expand your practice!  As always, let me know if you have any questions... play, enjoy!

Breathing Practices...
Nadi Shodhana
Anuloma Viloma
Anuloma Ujayii
Om-sounding breath

Om - neverending
Pure Sound - hearing without dialogue
Smell - smelling without dialogue
Sight - seeing without dialogue
Touch (like mala beads or hands resting on the knees)
Conscious Eating (total awareness of taste, sight, sound, smell, sensation)
Object (Samyama)
Pure Awareness - just be with yourself
Ujayii (meditating on the sound)
Movement Meditation (like Sun Breath)

Monday, October 22, 2012

Practice to open and stabilize the upper back and shoulders

Arm balances can be a wonderful way to strengthen and stabilize the shoulders and a great way to open the arms and hands, provided you have prepared properly for them.  This home practice from my upcoming (starts Wednesday!) Slow Flow series "Open Your Wings and Fly" will help you with that preparation.  Its also great for folks with habitual upper back and chest tension. Get ready to take flight! 

Tuesday, October 16, 2012

Gentle Hip Openers

Lower body a little creaky and tired?  Try this gentle hip opening practice to improve circulation and mobility.  As a plus, you may get some nice opening in your low back and relaxation for your mind!

Wednesday, October 3, 2012


I've been in Hawaii for the last week, preparing and beginning our Feast for the Senses Retreat.  We've been exploring our senses one by one in this place of abundance - so far we have immersed in the worlds of sight, smell and touch with beach trips, walks in the jungle, snorkeling coral reefs and plenty of yoga everywhere we go.  Its been a joy and an inspiration to practice here as you will see from the slideshow, if you follow this link.  Even if you couldn't join us, take a few moments on your mat and off to open your senses to the world and notice how your environment inspires your own practice!

Friday, September 21, 2012

Stress-busting Breath

Do you ever have one of those days when your stress levels begin to climb up toward panic?  What do you do to stop the onslaught?

When I have those days (yes, it even happens to yoginis:-), I do Nadi Shodna.  It slows me down, helps me to concentrate on the present, reminds me to feel what's really happening not just the hype distracting me toward panic. I'm sure there are plenty of physiological changes happening, a whole thesis could be written on it - but in those moments, all I care is that it works.  Five rounds and my world is a better place!

Here's how to do Nadi Shodna:
Set Up
If you are following tradition, fold the first two fingers of your right hand into your palm (Vishnu Mudra) and use your thumb and right finger to manipulate your nostrils.
If you are not following tradition, use any hand/position that works for you.
If you are stuffed up, use your mind rather than your digits to manipulate your breathe.

Exhale all of your breath.
Close your right nostril and inhale through the left.
Close the left, open the right and exhale.
Inhale through the right.
Exhale through the left.
That is one round.
Keep going. Made your breath as gentle and sweet as possible.

When you have completed your rounds of Nadi Shodna, put your hand down and breathe gently through both side.  Feel, notice, enjoy..

Wednesday, September 12, 2012

What do you get from your yoga practice?

This is a lovely song by Woody Guthrie - always reminds me of what I get out of my yoga practice...

My Peace

My peace my peace is all I've got that I can give to you
My peace is all I ever had that's all I ever knew
I give my peace to green and black and red and white and blue
My peace my peace is all I've got that I can give to you

My peace, my peace is all I've got and all I've ever known
My peace is worth a thousand times more than anything I own
I pass my peace around and about 'cross hands of every hue;
I guess my peace is justa 'bout all I've got to give to you

Here's a link to Arlo singing it -


Sunday, September 9, 2012

Sweet Restorative Practice

Some days you just need a little quiet time.  This is a great practice to breathe into and really let go.  As you remind your spine just how much it can move, feel the tensions unwind, feel the hips and shoulders release their holding, feel your mind and heart moving into a peaceful, joyful space.

Garbasana/Child's Pose
You will need a bolster, stack of blankets or a big form pillow (like a couch cushion) for this practice.

Start with child's pose, placing your torso on the bolster and breathing into your back.  Turn your head or not, find what's most comfortable for you.  Stay at least 20 breaths.

Teddy Bear Twist/Jathara Parvrtti
Move into a deep spinal twist.  Elongate your spine as you sink into your twist, and place your torso on the bolster.   Let the opposite hip lift.  Legs further apart will likely be more intense for you, as will turning your head away from your knees.  Stay at lest 20 breaths each side.  Take a little break between sides - this will give your body time to adjust after the first side and you will be able to relax deeper on side two.

Supta Baddha Konasana with Bolster

Finally, lie back on your bolster with your bottom still on the floor into a nice backbend.  You may find it more comfortable to have a pillow under your head.  I like to bring my feet together, knees apart into baddha konasana, you may prefer your legs straight or feet wide and bent knees together, let your pose be right for you.  Stay at least 20 breaths.

Friday, August 24, 2012

Guided Relaxation

Find your most comfortable reclined position and press play - this is a live excerpt from last night's Yoga Nidra class to help you progressively relax body, mind and soul.  Enjoy!

Thursday, August 16, 2012

Yoga Practice for Sciatica

This is my tried and true practice for Sciatica prevention.  The "sciatica" most people suffer from is the result of nerve impingement by the hip rotators, deep in the buttocks.  This practice helps to release that tension, lengthening and strengthening the muscles to help prevent flare ups.  If your sciatica is acute (meaning it hurts like crazy right now!), this is not the best practice for you.  If your sciatica comes and goes and is currently "gone," now is the time for this practice - practice faithfully and it may never come back!

If you are unclear on how to do any of the postures mentioned, just shoot a comment my way and I will be happy to elaborate :-)  Hold each pose a comfortable length of time.  Don't push the poses, remember that this should feel good!

Start Reclining:
Savasana - Final Relaxation Pose
Dirgha Pranayam - Full Yogic Breath (to be continued for the remainder of the practice)
Puvana Muktasana - Knees to Chest
Jathara Parvrtti - Abdominal Twist
Roll onto belly and rest
Table Pose
6 Movements of the Spine - Cat/Dog, C-Curves, Thread the Needle
Fire Hydrant - lift one leg, knee bent, foot flexed and circle the leg in the hip
Warrior 1 --> Warrior 2 --> Revolved Triangle --> Repeat Other Side
Tadanasana - Mountain Pose - be sure the insides of your feet are parallel, this is one of the best poses for preventing sciatic pain!
Garudasana - Eagle Pose (legs only to be gentler)
Adho Mukha Savanasana - Downward Dog
Lower Onto Belly
Shalabasana var. - Locust Pose variation, opening and closing straight legs
Kapotasana - Pigeon Pose - lift torso up and down on breath several times (working the action from the hips and with the legs as much as possible) before folding into Resting Pigeon
Roll Onto Back
Setu Bhandasana var. - Rolling Bridge - rolling spine up and down with every Exhale
Puvana Muktasana - Knees to Chest
Jathara Parvrtti - Abdominal Twist
Savasana :-)

Wednesday, August 8, 2012

Moon Salutation Practice

This variation of one of the many Moon Salutations (Chandra Namaskar) is a great full body strengthener.  Incorporating backbends, forward bends and side bends it is also great for improving overall flexibility.  Follow along as I lead you through one round, then repeat as you like for a rejuvenating yoga practice!

Thursday, August 2, 2012

End of the Summer Gentle Yoga Class

Last class of summer term for my Gentle Yoga class at NMT last night.  Still VERY hot outside and in so we stayed low to the ground and mellow.  A lovely end to a class meant to help de-stress and relax :-)  Here's a rough outline of the class ...  Let go and practice well!

Supported Fish (reclined with rolled blanket under spine)
Dirgha Pranayam (full yogic breath)
Puvana Muktasana (reclined knee to chest)
Supta Matsyendrasna (reclined knee down twist)
Sun Breaths (seated, arms up and down with breath)
Side Stretch (seated)
6 Movements of the Spine (cat/dog, c-curves, thread the needle)
Shalabasana (locust pose)
Kapotasana (pigeon pose, up and down, then resting pigeon)
Upavista Konasana (wide angle forward fold)
Sitali Pranayama (cooling breath)
Meditation on the Breath

Wednesday, July 25, 2012

Yin Yoga for Hips and Low Back

Yin Yoga is a luscious form of practice, it always feels a little like getting a Thai Massage :-)  I tend to practice yin when I am in need of some serious restoration and rejuvenation.  With long held passive poses, it gives time to let go and feel on a deeper level (in every sense of the word).  Its also a wonderful way to release fascial restrictions (fascia is the tissue surrounding your muscles, if its tight your muscles have no space to expand and relax) and improve your flexibility and circulation. Here is a brief flow for hips and low back that I have been practicing lately, I hope you enjoy it...

And for those of you that are local, join our monthly Yin class next Wednesday evening (8/1) 5:30-6:30.  RSVP to to reserve your spot!

Wednesday, July 18, 2012

Don't Just Sit There, Try a Moving Meditation Practice!

Can't handle sitting still, but know that meditation would be good for you?  Maybe moving meditations would be more your style.  Check out the video below based on our first class from this summer's Moving Meditation Class Series and see how it works for you!  After all, meditation is scientifically proven to be good for you :-)

Wednesday, July 11, 2012

Yoga for Healthy Hands!

We are starting a 2 class series on Yoga for Healthy Hands tonight.  We will explore the anatomy of function and disfunction in hands and wrists - bones, muscles, nerves - to gain a better understanding of how to keep them feeling great.  This will include massage techniques and modifications for your yoga practice.  If you can't join us for the juicy details, give the home practice below a whirl - your hands will thank you for it!

Healthy Hands Home Practice

  1. Hand Clenching: Bring your arms straight in front of you at shoulder height. Palms facing each other. Close your hand into a fist with the thumb inside, then open your hand .spreading the fingers wide.
  1. Wrist Bending: With your arms still straight in front of you at shoulder height, turn your palms to face away from you with fingers pointing up. Keep your fingers straight as you bend you wrist to point the fingers down, then back up again.
  1. Wrist Rotation: Right arm straight in front of you at shoulder height, fold your hand into a fist with the thumb inside. Rotate your wrist in one direction (10x), then the other (10x). Take one full breath to make one full rotation.
    Repeat with the left wrist.
    Both wrists at once (again, one direction, then the other).
    Both wrists at once in opposite directions (again, one way, then the other).
    *Keep the rotation in the wrist, not the elbow or shoulder.
  1. Elbow Bending: Arms straight out in front of you at shoulder height, turn your palms to face up. Bend at the elbows to bring your fingers to your shoulders, then extend your arms again.
    Repeat with the arms out to the sides, still at shoulder height. 10x
  1. Shoulder circles: Bring your right fingertips to your right shoulder. Move the right elbow in a big circle (one full circle for one full breath). 10x
    Repeat in the other direction.
    Repeat on the left (both directions)
    Repeat with both arms at once (one direction, then the other), trying to touch your elbows together in front.
  2. Table pose with forearm engagement: Come to all fours, knees under hips, wrists under shoulders. Spread your fingers wide with your middle finger pointing straight ahead. Lift the very center of your palm upward while pressing down through the outside edges of your hands and fingers. Weight evenly distributed. Hold for 3 breaths, then relax. 10X. For more challenge, lift your knees and reach through your heels (plank pose) while doing this work with your hands/forearms.
  3. Side Plank Pose: From all fours, bring your weight into your right hand (engaging the hand/forearm just as you did in the last pose) and right leg. Pull your arm into the shoulder socket and stack your left shoulder and hip over the right as you extend the left leg, placing your foot on the floor. Hold 10 breaths. Rest. Repeat on the other side.
  4. Cactus Arms/Robot Arms: Lie on your back, arms out to sides. Bend your elbows to 90 to look like a saguaro cactus, backs of the hands dropping toward the floor.
    Turn from the shoulder to bring your palms toward the floor, fingers pointing toward your feet (this is robot arms, a little like a wizard of oz scarecrow move).
    Move back and forth between the two 10X
  5. Supported Fish Pose: Roll a blanket or a towel up, making sure it is at least as long as your spine. Lie back, spine along the blanket, arms open to the sides. Stay here, relax, at least 10 breaths.

Monday, July 9, 2012

Getting Started - Warm Up Practice

There is no better way to get started than warm ups.  And as we are just getting this blog started... make some space on the floor, take a deep breath and click below for an audio track of my favorite ways to begin to connect to and open your body... Enjoy!